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It's not necessarily news that coffee can be healthy; the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, for example, reported that drinking coffee moderately could be part of a healthy diet. But the
new study suggests even higher amounts of coffee could be beneficial. That doesn't mean people should dramatically up their coffee intake, though: There isn't enough data to change the guidelines to
include more cups of coffee, Loftfield said. Indeed, only a fraction of the people in the study reported drinking eight or more cups of coffee a day, she added-about 10,000 of
the 500,000 participants. Edward Giovannucci, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who was not part of the study, agreed. "This new study
is consistent with the previous studies but show that the potential benefit extends to higher intakes of coffee,"he said."But doesn't mean that everyone should drink Eight(8) cups of coffee a day."
The study didn't have enough data from people who drink that much coffee, Giovannucci said. And the risk of death during the follow-up period was only slightly higher for people drinking
around (four)4 cups of coffee a day compared with those who drank more than 8(eight), he told Live Science. So, the benefit of drinking more than 8(eight) cups of coffee over
around 4(four) may be small. There are so many studies that come out about coffee, yet it's still difficult for researchers to come to a consensus about whether the drink is
good for our health. It's hard to conclude causality, because "the best data we have are (from) observational studies, where people self-(report) how much coffee they consume," Giovannucci said. "Nonetheless, the
very large body of consistent evidence lower risk for many outcomes, including overall mortality, is reassuring. "While the evidence may not be strong enough to suggest that (a person start) drinking
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